ITC Tenant Groundbreaking Ceremony in Gillette, WY (May 2nd, 2023)

A groundbreaking ceremony for a new carbon capture project of Japan Carbon Frontier Organization, and Kawasaki Heavy Industries was held on May 2 at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center in Gillette, Wyoming. The project is intended to be constructed and tested as a demonstration of novel CO² separation and recovery technology using solid absorbents.
The opening ceremony was attended by Governor Gordon of Wyoming, Mayor Lundvall of Gillette, Dr. Krutka from the University of Wyoming, and officials from the Department of Energy.
From Japan, Mr. Tsukamoto, President of Japan Carbon Frontier Organization, and Mr. Yasuhara, Senior Manager of CCUS Business Planning Office of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. were in attendance.
Governor Gordon, President Tsukamoto, and Mr. Yasuhara expressed their hope that the new technology at the plant would meet the world's challenges. The Consulate-General of Japan was invited, and Consul General Mikami and Consul Furutani attended the ceremony. CG Mikami gave a brief speech.
As a project of Japan’s Ministry of the Environment, this plant will seek to attain its goals of ensuring environmental harmony for early social implementation of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) and building a model for a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society.